Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
With consistent use, Abstinence is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. There is a slight chance of getting pregnant with an outercourse from rubbing the penis near the vaginal opening with no clothes in between, a partner cumming on the vulva, or if the penis slips or semen leaks to the vagina during anal sex.
Sexual Abstinence and outercourse have different meanings for different people. Total sexual Abstinence means not engaging in any sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Some people may define Abstinence as engaging in other sexual activities but not doing vaginal intercourse. However, such kind of sexual activity is better known as outercourse.
Examples include:
Abstinence works as an effective form of contraception by eliminating all chances of sperm fertilizing an egg. Outercourse similarly prevents pregnancy by keeping sperm away from an egg. You may choose Abstinence at some point in your life. You can still select Abstinence even if you have had sex in the past. Some couples use Abstinence during their fertile period.
Sexual Abstinence is a very effective mode of birth control, but it requires a mutual understanding between both partners. Be careful that it is possible to be pregnant and get STIs during the outercourse.
Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
Contraception Female Sterilization, also called tubal ligation or “getting your tubes tied,” is an effective and safe surgical procedure that
Contraception A progestin-only Pill is often called the “mini-pill.”Know Other Options Efectiveness Key Benefits Description Insertion Pros Cons Tips Recommended
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