Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
It is 98% effective when used correctly every time you have sex. Typically, in real life, people are not always perfect. In that case, it is 82 percent effective. It means that out of 100 couples who use a male condom as the only contraception method during sex, approximately 18 have a chance of becoming pregnant.
It is the thin rubber film you must wear over your penis during intercourse. They are mostly made of latex rubber. For persons who are allergic to latex, condoms made of polyurethane are available. Condoms work by preventing the semen from getting released into the vagina.
Condoms are lubricated or non-lubricated. Water-based lubricants can help to make sex more comfortable. They are available in all shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. Choose the proper size condoms to fit your needs. If sex is prolonged for more than 30 minutes, replace the condom.
Condoms are mainly of:
Some condoms come coated with spermicide. They do not seem more effective than regular condoms in preventing pregnancy.
Although rare, a condom may break or slip during intercourse. If, during sex, you feel a break, stop at once. Start again only after putting on a new condom.
If there is a release of semen into the vagina during the condom break :
The “Calendar method” is a form of periodic abstinence, and it can be an effective prevention against pregnancy, although it can be hard to practice.
Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
Contraception Female Sterilization, also called tubal ligation or “getting your tubes tied,” is an effective and safe surgical procedure that
Contraception A progestin-only Pill is often called the “mini-pill.”Know Other Options Efectiveness Key Benefits Description Insertion Pros Cons Tips Recommended
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