Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
When taken correctly, the pill is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Out of 100 couples who use the combined contraceptive pill as the only contraceptive method, fewer than one woman gets pregnant in 1 year. Typical use is that it happens in real life. The combined pill’s failure rate is about 9 percent in a year of typical use.
The combined oral contraceptive pill comprises synthetic versions of female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are produced naturally in female bodies. Pregnancy happens when the sperm fuses with an egg (ovum). The pills try to stop conception primarily by blocking the release of an ovum. It also thickens the mucus, making it more challenging for sperm to reach an ovum. There is thinning of the uterus lining, reducing the chances of implantation.
There are main types of combined contraceptive pills.
Every day pills (28 pills)
The 28-pill pack has 21 active and seven inactive (dummy) pills. The two kinds of tablets look different from each other. You must take one pill daily, with no break between packets. The 21 tablets contain hormones, and seven pills may contain iron.
21-day pills (Monophasic)
These are the most common types of pills. Each pill contains the same amount of hormones. You must take one tablet daily for 21 days, and then there is a break for the next seven days.
21-day pills (Phasic)
Phasic pills have 2 or 3 types of different colored pills in a package. Each variety contains a different amount of hormones. You must take one tablet daily for 21 days, and then there is a pill break for the next seven days. You have to take these pills in the correct order.
28 pills packet
21 pills pack
It depends upon the day of the menstrual period you start to take pills.
Start on the 1st day of the cycle. Suppose you start taking the pills on day 1 of your menstrual cycle (period). In that case, you will not need additional contraception protection.
Start on the 5th day or before the cycle. Suppose you start taking the pills on day five or before your menstrual cycle (period). In that case, you still need no additional contraception protection.
Start after the 5th day of the cycle. You will need additional contraception until you have had the pill for at least seven days. If you feel that you were pregnant when you started the pills, you must take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after you had unprotected sex the last time.
You may use the pills as the method of contraception if:
One must consult a doctor and be advised not to use the pills if one suffers from the following:
There are sporadic chances of noticing the following side effects:
If you feel any of the above side effects for months, you must visit your doctor once.
A combined pill contraceptive is much more effective and accessible nowadays. If you take the combined pill in a strictly followed manner, you will likely enjoy your sex life without getting pregnant.
Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
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