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Masturbation: Is It Healthy?

Masturbation helps you to release the pent up sexual energy. Pic : Pexels

Masturbation is the sexual arousal achieved by touching or stimulation of your genitals. Both men and women can masturbate either by themselves or to their partner. Generally, it is done until you reach orgasm. Rubbing, touching, stroking the penis, or clitoris are some of the techniques used to masturbate. To achieve stimulation, usually, you may use your fingers, hands, or sex toys.

How common is masturbation?

Scientific studies show that human beings of both sexes frequently masturbate, even if they have partners for sex. It is a normal process in growing kids while exploring their sexuality. Most people continue to masturbate throughout their lives. It is perfectly normal to masturbate. The frequency of masturbating varies from person to person. You may masturbate once, twice, thrice, and so on. Some of you may have never masturbated, which is also normal. Until masturbation is interfering with daily activities, it is not harmful.

Myths associated with masturbation

There are many strange myths associated with it. There are claims that it can result in blindness, acne, and impotence. People say that masturbating too much can result in a decrease in sperm count, penis curvature, and physical weakness. All of these are just myths and not reality. Further, we will elaborate on beneficial and some of the ill-effects of masturbation.


  • Knowledge about your sexuality – Masturbation can help men to learn to control their orgasms. Likewise, women can discover a way to achieve it. It can help you to know about your likes and dislikes during sex.
  • Masturbation can boost self-confidence – It helps you to release the pent up sexual energy, especially if you don’t have a sex partner. It is a healthy and normal sexual activity that gives you pleasure and relaxes your mind and body.
  • Improvement of sexual health – Masturbation helps you to improve your sexual health by enhancing intimacy and exploration of pleasures and desires. Besides, it gives sexual pleasure while preventing unwanted pregnancy and STDs.
  • Lubrication of female genital tract – Masturbation of females before penetrative sex helps to lubricate the genital tract and facilitate the insertion of the penis.
  • Orgasm during menstrual bleeding- in some females, penetrative sex during menstrual bleeding is quite painful. You may stimulate the clitoris by masturbating to achieve orgasm.

Side effects

Although masturbation is exceptionally beneficial, it may cause some side effects. Side effects  include:

  1. Guilt feeling – Some people who have conflicting religious or cultural views about masturbation experience guilt after masturbating.
  2. Swelling of the penis – If you masturbate too hard, your penis may swell, resulting in edema. It is generally temporary and goes away shortly. If you rub your genitalia too much, it may result in irritation and redness of genital skin.
  3. Lowered sensitivity – If you masturbate, holding your penis too hard, it may result in decreased sexual sensitivity. Primarily, reduced sensitivity may occur if you have been masturbating for a long time.

Q1: How can I stop my GERD?

  1. Dietary Changes: Avoid trigger foods like spicy, acidic, or fatty meals. Opt for smaller, more frequent meals and try not to eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Elevate Your Head: When sleeping, elevate the head end of your bed by about 6 to 8 inches. This helps gravity keep stomach acid from flowing into the esophagus.
  3. Weight Management: If you’re overweight, losing excess pounds can reduce pressure on your stomach and lessen the severity of GERD.
  4. Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol: Both of them can contribute to GERD symptoms, so minimizing or quitting these habits may help.
  5. Medications: Over the counter antacids, H2 blockers, or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) can be considered. However, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare expert to determine the most appropriate medication for your specific case.
  6. Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can aid digestion and contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

Q2: Does GERD go away by itself?

GERD symptoms vary from person to person, and while some individuals may experience relief through lifestyle changes and medication, GERD itself may not completely “go away” for everyone.

For some people, making dietary and lifestyle modifications can effectively manage symptoms, and they may go long periods without experiencing significant issues. However, it’s important to note that GERD is a chronic condition, and the underlying causes—such as a weakened lower esophageal sphincter or hiatal hernia—may persist.

In some cases, people may find that their symptoms improve with consistent management, while others may require ongoing treatment to control symptoms and prevent complications. Regular follow-ups with a healthcare professional are crucial to monitor the condition and alter the treatment plan as needed.

If you’re experiencing GERD symptoms, it’s best to consult a medical expert for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment based on your specific situation.


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