Loss Libido In Men
Personal Health Causes Tips The desire to have sexual activity is libido. Loss of libido or sexual desire is less
The desire to have sexual activity is libido. Loss of libido or sexual desire is more common in women than among men. Sexual drive is the first step towards any sexual engagement. Lowered or loss of libido can result in a variety of problems in a sexual relationship. In women, sexual desire is more complex and regulated by different physical, social, and psychological factors. It is affected by the level of hormones in your body and feelings about yourself and your partner.
Loss of libido in women may occur due to a variety of reasons. Below are the causes of libido loss in women
Relationship issues. One of the most important reasons for low womens labido is a strained and unhappy relationship. Worries and stress in a relationship can severely affect your desire to engage in a sexual act. Becoming too familiar with your sex partner with whom you have a long-term relationship may cause a loss of sexual desire. Likewise, poor communication, mistrust, or unresolved conflict will have similar results.
Be honest with your partner and have an open discussion about the problem. Attending counseling may also help.
Depression. The feeling of sadness, which does not go away with time and is disproportionate to the stressful event, is called depression. Depression may result in loss of libido in addition to other effects such as feelings of hopelessness and extreme prolonged sadness. If you feel you are depressed, you must see your family doctor or a psychiatrist. He will prescribe you medications or advise you on some therapies.
Stress, anxiety, and chronic fatigue. If you are persistently stressed, anxious, or have chronic fatigue syndrome, you will experience a loss of libido. It would help if you talk to your doctor, who may suggest some lifestyle changes or prescribe some medications, psychotherapies, or home remedies that may also help.
Chronic illness. Any long-term medical illness can lower your libido. Reduced sex drive can be due to drained out of psychological and physical resources of your body or due to side effects of medication. The systemic heart, kidney, or liver disease will lower your libido. Likewise, uncontrolled diabetes, hypothyroidism, or cancer can adversely affect your libido. You must discuss with your doctor if you think that some chronic medical condition is affecting your sex drive.
Medication and contraception. Many medicines, including those for depression, high blood pressure, seizures, enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer, may reduce your libido. Your doctor will tell you about the possible side effects if you feel that some alternative has been prescribed.
Hormonal contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone can affect your libido. These include combined pills, progesterone-only pills, contraceptive implants, or shots.
Smoking, alcohol, and street drugs. Indulging in binge drinking or doing recreational drugs will adversely affect your libido. It may decrease your sexual performance. Alcohol can cause a decrease in testosterone levels in your body. Similarly, smoking nicotine can harm your body, including causing loss of libido. It may affect sperm production and motility. You must consult a counselor or a doctor if you feel you are addicted to this lifestyle.
Pregnancy, delivery, and lactation. During pregnancy and lactation, there is a change in levels of hormones that may alter your sex desire. Changes in body and changed perception about body image may affect your libido. Sometimes, during delivery, a cut is given to facilitate childbirth. With a new baby, priorities may change from sex to taking care of your baby.
Lowered libido, due to these causes, generally returns with time. You must talk to your doctor if this period is prolonged.
Aging and menopause. With age and around menopause, there are changes in the hormonal levels in your body. These changes may adversely affect sexual desire. Menopause can also be associated with a dry vagina and painful sex.
Vaginismus. It generally happens in teens. It is an involuntary contraction of muscles of the vagina whenever your partner tries to penetrate his penis in it. It is pretty painful. It adversely affects the libido due to the fear factor.
Improve the quality of the relationship. Have a discussion with your partner about any problem. Try to be honest with each other. Try to be honest with each other. It would help if you spare time to have quality moments together. Kissing, caressing, touching, and massaging each other before intercourse can also kindle your sexual desire.
Stay relaxed. Managing your stress and anxiety is essential to maintain an optimum level of libido. Job-related strain can also exhaust your energy reserves and reduce your desire. Plan your job systematically so that you can cope with stress. You may also try relaxation techniques to keep stress away. Meditation or yoga will also keep you relaxed.
Have a healthy, balanced diet. A nutritious food rich in green leafy vegetables, fruits, and proteins will refresh your body and mind. It will boost your blood circulation and thus improve sexual performance also. You must restrict sugar and salt in your diet.
Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you to deal with obesity. Maintaining weight, in turn, will build a positive body image, hence boosting your self-confidence and libido.
Abstain from drinking and quit smoking. If you face drinking and smoking issues, try to get professional help. Get support from friends and family or support groups also.
Get optimum and sound sleep. Sleep rejuvenates your body and mind, removes stress, and makes you relaxed. By refilling your energy resources, sleep maintains an optimum sex drive.
Talk to your doctor. Your doctor will help you to identify any medical condition which may be reducing your sex drive. He may prescribe some medications.
Personal Health Causes Tips The desire to have sexual activity is libido. Loss of libido or sexual desire is less
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