Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
The contraceptive Injection contains hormones, either the progestin alone or progestin and estrogen in combination. It works similar to the pill or a vaginal ring. Like the combined pills, they prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation and preventing your ovaries from releasing an egg. Also, they help to:
You usually have the injections in your buttocks, but you can also have them in your upper arm.
It is essential to get injections repeatedly every 12/13 weeks. But if it has been more than 15 weeks since your last Injection, talk to your doctor.
The contraceptive Injection is a highly effective method of birth control that can protect against pregnancy for up to 3 months. However, you must not use it if you want to get pregnant immediately after.
Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
Contraception Female Sterilization, also called tubal ligation or “getting your tubes tied,” is an effective and safe surgical procedure that
Contraception A progestin-only Pill is often called the “mini-pill.”Know Other Options Efectiveness Key Benefits Description Insertion Pros Cons Tips Recommended
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