Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
It is 95% effective when used correctly every time you have sex. It means that out of 100 couples who use a female condom as the only contraception method during sex, approximately 5 have a chance to become pregnant. In typical regular use, the female condom is about 75% to 82% effective
A female condom is like a polyurethane pouch. Condoms made of nitrile are also available. It is more of a barrier that protects you from conceiving. It has two flexible rings at each end. One ring covers the external vulva, and the other prevents it from entering the cervix. You have to wear a condom inside the vagina or the anus before having sex. It can also save you from STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), though it is less effective than a male condom.
The primary trick lies in the right way of using it. Let’s check out a few tips that might help you wear it correctly:
A female condom is an effective birth control method and is relatively inexpensive. Using it right can be tricky. Hence, you may take the help of physicians to have a better experience.
Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
Contraception Female Sterilization, also called tubal ligation or “getting your tubes tied,” is an effective and safe surgical procedure that
Contraception A progestin-only Pill is often called the “mini-pill.”Know Other Options Efectiveness Key Benefits Description Insertion Pros Cons Tips Recommended
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