Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
This method is about 76 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. You should closely track your fertility to increase effectiveness.
The calendar method, also called the calendar rhythm method, is a natural family planning method. It is based on avoiding sex during the fertile phase in the menstrual cycle, and the fertile phase is when fertilization can occur, resulting in pregnancy.
Research has found that you may be most fertile for less than six days of your cycle. This period coincides with the process of ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. Once an egg is released from the ovary, it enters the fallopian tubes, where fertilization will occur. Without impregnation, the egg travels through the tubes and dies. This process takes around 24 hours, and it’s solely within these 24 hours that fertilization of the egg can occur. However, sperm cells will survive within the fallopian tubes for up to 5 days following ejaculation. It suggests that if a lady has unprotected sex within the five days before ovulation, there’s an opportunity that sperm is still alive and can fertilize an egg. Therefore, the lady is considered to be fertile for six days instead of 24 hours.
The “Calendar method” is a form of periodic abstinence, and it can be an effective prevention against pregnancy, although it can be hard to practice.
Contraception Vasectomy is an effective and safe surgical procedure in men that can permanently prevent your pregnancy.Know Other Options Efectiveness
Contraception Female Sterilization, also called tubal ligation or “getting your tubes tied,” is an effective and safe surgical procedure that
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