5 Strategies for High-Achieving Women to Reclaim Their Time and Energy

Are you a high-achieving woman feeling overwhelmed by the juggling of work, family, and self-care? You’re not alone. Many women experience burnout due to constant activity. Discover powerful strategies to reclaim your time and energy, from aligning commitments with core values to mastering productive rest. It’s time to create a fulfilling life focused on what truly matters. Learn how to transform your busy days into a more intentional experience!

Are you a woman who feels like she’s constantly juggling a million things at once? Maybe you’re balancing a full-time job, a side hustle, family responsibilities, and trying to squeeze in some self-care somewhere in between. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Many high-achieving women find themselves in this whirlwind of activity, often feeling like they’re running on empty.

But here’s the thing: being busy doesn’t always mean being productive or fulfilled. In fact, constant busyness can lead to burnout, affecting not just your work but your overall well-being. As a holistic health coach, I’ve seen firsthand how chronic stress can impact every aspect of a person’s life – from their physical health to their relationships and creative energy.

The good news? It doesn’t have to be this way. You can reclaim your time and energy, creating space for what truly matters to you.

This post’ll explore five powerful strategies that can help you do just that. These aren’t just quick fixes – they’re sustainable approaches that consider our mind and body being connected.

Strategy 1: Align Your Commitments with Your Core Values

Imagine your life as a garden. Your core values are the nutrient-rich soil from which everything else grows. Like a gardener carefully chooses which plants to grow based on the soil conditions, you must select your commitments based on your core values.

Start by identifying what truly matters to you. Is it self-care, family time, or professional growth? Once you’ve pinpointed these values, it’s time for a commitment audit. Look at everything on your plate – from work projects to social obligations – and ask yourself: “Does this align with my core values?”

For example, let’s say one of your core values is continuous learning. The networking events you’ve been dreading align well with this value, as they provide opportunities to learn from others in your industry.

On the other hand, you might realize that you’ve been volunteering for a cause that, while worthy, doesn’t resonate with your values. It’s okay to step back from commitments that don’t align with your core values.

Remember, saying “no” to things that don’t align with your values creates space to say “yes” to things that do. It’s not about doing less; it’s about doing more of what matters to you.

Strategy 2: Optimize Your Energy Through Nutrition and Movement

Think of your body as a high-performance car. Just like a car needs the right fuel and regular maintenance to run smoothly, your body needs proper nutrition and movement to maintain high energy levels.

When it comes to nutrition, focus on balanced, nutrient-dense meals. This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours meal prepping. Instead, think of simple swaps that can boost your energy. For instance, replace your mid-morning sugary snack with a handful of nuts and berries. The protein and healthy fats will keep you satiated longer and provide steady energy.

Here’s a quick energy-boosting snack idea: Greek yogurt topped with walnuts and a drizzle of honey. It takes less than a minute to prepare and provides a perfect balance of protein, carbs, and natural sugars to fuel your busy day.

As for movement, you don’t need to carve out an hour for the gym every day. Instead, think of ways to incorporate movement into your existing routine. Have a phone meeting? Make it a walking meeting. Waiting for your coffee to brew? Do a few desk stretches or squats. These micro-movements add up daily and can significantly boost your energy levels.

Remember, the goal is to work with your body, not against it. By fueling your body properly and keeping it moving, you’re setting yourself up for sustained energy throughout your busy day.

Strategy 3: Master the Art of Productive Rest

Now, this might sound like a paradox. How can rest be productive? Well, think of it this way: your mind is like a bow and arrow. To shoot the arrow far, you need to pull the bow back first. Similarly, to propel yourself forward in your work and life, you need periods of rest and recovery.

A powerful technique is time-blocking with intentional micro-breaks throughout your day. Schedule periods of focused work followed by short rest intervals. During breaks, step away completely—look out the window, breathe deeply, or listen to music. By alternating effort and rest, you’re working with your brain’s natural rhythms for better focus.

Another crucial aspect of productive rest is quality sleep. Develop a wind-down routine that signals to your body it’s time to rest. This could include dimming the lights, doing some light stretching, or reading a book (not on a screen!). Think of this routine as drawing the curtains on your day, allowing your mind to settle and prepare for restorative sleep.

By mastering the art of productive rest, you’re not just preventing burnout – you’re optimizing your energy and setting yourself up for peak performance in all areas of your life.

Strategy 4: Create Synergy Between Various Roles

As a high-achieving woman, you’re likely wearing multiple hats – professional, entrepreneur, family member, friend, and more. Instead of seeing these roles as separate entities competing for your time and energy, try to find ways they can complement and support each other.

Think of your life as a symphony orchestra. Each instrument (or role) has a unique sound, but they create beautiful music when played together. Your goal is to be the conductor, ensuring all parts work in harmony.

Here’s how you can create this synergy:

1. Identify overlaps:

Look for skills or knowledge that can be applied across different areas of your life. For example, the project management skills you use at work can be invaluable in organizing family events or running your side business.

2. Multi-purpose your tasks:

Find ways to accomplish multiple goals with a single activity. For instance, if you need to exercise and catch up with a friend, why not go for a walk together? You’re nurturing your health and your friendship simultaneously.

3. Build a diverse support network:

Cultivate relationships that span different areas of your life. Your colleague might have valuable insights for your entrepreneurial venture, or your business mentor might have connections in your professional field.

By creating synergy between your roles, you’re not just saving time – you’re enriching each area of your life with insights and skills from others.

Strategy 5: Cultivate Emotional Resilience

Life as a high-achieving woman can sometimes feel like riding a rollercoaster. There are exhilarating highs and challenging lows. That’s why cultivating emotional resilience is crucial. Think of emotional resilience as your internal shock absorber, helping you navigate the bumps and turns of life with greater ease.

Here are three keys to building emotional resilience:

1. Recognize and manage stress responses:

Your body has a natural alarm system for stress. Learn to recognize your personal stress signals. Does your pulse increase? Do you get sweaty palms? You can take action before stress escalates by identifying these early warning signs.

Try this: Pause and take three deep breaths when you notice stress rising. It’s like hitting the reset button on your nervous system.

2. Develop a positive mindset:

This doesn’t mean ignoring problems or always being cheerful. Instead, it’s about seeing challenges as opportunities for growth. When faced with a setback, ask yourself: “What can I learn from this?”

For example, if a project doesn’t go as planned, focus on the skills you developed or the insights you gained for future projects instead of dwelling on the failure.

Reclaim your Time and Energy

3. Practice self-compassion:

High achievers often have a harsh inner critic. But beating yourself up doesn’t lead to better performance – it leads to burnout. Treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a good friend.

Try this self-compassion exercise: Place your hand on your heart and say, “This is a moment of difficulty. Difficulties are part of life. I will be kind to myself in this moment.” It might initially feel awkward, but it can become a powerful tool for emotional resilience with practice.

As we wrap up these five strategies, remember that reclaiming your time and energy is not about doing more – it’s about doing what matters most to you with greater intention and ease. It’s about creating a balanced and fulfilling life, even when your time and energy are limited.

Implementing these strategies might feel overwhelming at first. That’s okay. Choose one strategy that resonates with you and focus on that for a week. Notice how it impacts your energy levels and overall well-being. Then, gradually incorporate the others.

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection. It’s progress. Every small step you take towards better managing your time and energy is a win. Celebrate those wins, no matter how small they might seem.

Picture of Solveig Eitungjerde
Solveig Eitungjerde

A certified health coach who helps women regain their energy and have freedom for what matters most to them. She empowers women to balance work, entrepreneurship, and self-care. Sign up for her free 3-day mini audio course to gain more time and energy to juggle it all without overwhelm.


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