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Pregnancy week 2
Pregnancy Week 2

Pregnancy Week 2

Baby Development

The fertilization takes place around the end of the second week. Although you have yet to conceive your baby, these weeks are part of your 40-week pregnancy. Fertilization of your egg by your partner’s sperm will occur near the end of this week.

While there is no fetal development yet, it will start soon, and your body is in preparation. An egg in your ovary gets ready to break free soon.

After release, an egg can be alive for about 12 to 24 hours. Sperms may survive up to five days in the cervical mucus. So, time your intercourse a day or two before ovulation. It is better to have sex daily in week 2 to increase the chances of pregnancy. Among millions of sperm, only the healthiest one will reach and fertilize your egg.

Changes in mother

Your body gets ready to grow a baby. There is an increase in estrogen and progesterone hormones that cause the lining of your uterus to thicken to support a growing baby. Your ovaries will release the egg around the second week(ovulation). Once released, the egg travels from your ovary into a fallopian tube. Ovulation does not necessarily occur in the middle of your cycle. Ovulation strips can help you to detect ovulation and get pregnant faster.

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Note: This calculation is based on Naegele's rule.

Pregnancy Week 2 symptoms

  • Slippery cervical mucus is the vaginal discharge you sometimes find in your underwear. Around ovulation, it’ll be clear, greasy, and stretchy (like raw egg whites).
  • Some women have mild cramps, abdominal pain, or a one-sided backache around ovulation.
  • Sex drive may increase, and your body odor may be more attractive to men when you’re fertile.
  • Due to the hormonal changes around ovulation, Tender breasts may make your breasts feel a bit full or sore.
  • The cervix becomes more soft, wet, and dilated when you ovulate.
  • An increase in basal body temperature (BBT), and you may monitor it with a special thermometer every morning. Around ovulation, it goes up and remains high until your next period.

Important Tips

What to do

  1. Take vitamins. A good amount of prenatal vitamins will provide essential nutrients for you and your baby. Ensure your diet contains iron, vitamin D, calcium, and folic acid. Folic acid deficiency may increase your baby’s risk of specific congenital disabilities.
  2. Talk to a healthcare provider. Get a preconception check-up to ensure that your body is ready for baby-making. You should discuss any prescription or over-the-counter medication you are taking. Some medicines are not safe during pregnancy. You may consider talking to a counselor for planned parenthood.
  3. Consider this blood test. It is vital if any of your or your partner’s family members suffer from a genetic condition. You should go for a genetic carrier screening to check if you have genes that may increase your baby’s risk of severe inherited diseases.
  4. Do frequent sex to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Sex is more important around ovulation. Avoid using a lubricant as it may harm sperm and inhibit the journey to the egg.
  5. Prepare your body and mind for pregnancy. You will care for your baby better if you’re physically and mentally healthy. Eat healthy food, get sufficient sleep, and exercise daily. Do yoga or meditation to stay relaxed. An optimum stress level can increase your chance of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy.

What to avoid

  1. Avoid any foods and smells you might find disgusting, even though you loved them before the pregnancy.
  2. Abstain from smoking during pregnancy. The nicotine in smoke may hurt your future baby.
  3. Avoid particular food items that make you gassy.
  4. Stay clear of liquor and  alcoholic drinks

When to Consult a Doctor

  1. Consult a doctor if you cannot conceive after repeated intercourse.


During the first two weeks of pregnancy, you are not pregnant, which is a phase of preparation of the body for the future baby. However, you must eat a healthy diet and exercise daily to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.

  1. N H S
  2. Healthdirect Australia
  3. The Cleveland Clinic
    Fetal Development 
  4. The Mayo Clinic
    Fetal development
  5. Women Health
    Pregnancy: Stages of pregnancy


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