Orange : Amazing Health Benefits

Orange has many Health benefits
Orange is a juicy wonder full of fibre and has many Health benefits.

Orange is one of the most delicious and favorite fruits in the world. It is a juicy wonder that is full of fiber. Oranges can be sweet or bitter, with the former being more popular. Including orange juice can make your breakfast healthy and give a great start to your day. For an orange to be juicy, it should have smoothly textured skin and be heavy for its size. You can also have oranges as a snack or a major ingredient in different dishes. Even the peel can add a tangy flavor to desserts and cakes. There are many health benefits of oranges.

It is a low-calorie but highly nutritious citrus fruit. This citrus fruit is said to have high vitamin C, folate, and thiamine levels. An average-sized orange can provide you with more than 100 % of the daily requirement of Vitamin C. It also has a range of phytoactive chemicals, which are potent antioxidants. An orange can fight cardiovascular, liver, and skin diseases and help you have healthy and glowy skin.

Here are some evidence-based health benefits of Oranges:

Healthy immune system

Our immune system protects us from various pathogens. The cells of the immune system fight germs and neutralize them. A healthy immune system makes you less prone to diseases. Oranges are particularly rich in vitamin C, which is vital for good immunity. A medium-sized orange can give you about 116 %  of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C. 

Eating oranges can protect you from conditions as minor as the common cold and severe diseases like cancer. Intake of vitamin C-rich fruits can help you beat oxidative stress-related illness. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals, decreasing oxidative stress.

Oranges Provide healthy and glowing skin.

Vitamin C, present in oranges, can help you have healthy skin in multiple ways. Besides being an antioxidant, Vitamin C supports the production of collagen. Collagen prevents aging signs in the skin, promotes wound healing, and enhances skin strength.

 A review study in 2015 found that Vitamin C improved the appearance of the skin, decreasing the signs of wrinkling and roughness. Vitamin C can also reduce the various signs of aging and provide a glow to your skin. [1]

Orange Health benefits include healthy and glowing Skin.
Orange health benefits include healthy and glowing Skin.

It helps regulate blood pressure.

A cup of orange juice can provide you with approximately 11% of the daily value of potassium. At the same time, orange contains a negligible amount of sodium. Fruits with this kind of composition help control your blood pressure.[2]

Low sodium in the diet is necessary to prevent hypertension. At the same time, a sufficient amount of potassium is crucial, as it helps relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It also protects against stroke. Oranges also have magnesium in them, which fights hypertension.

Note: you must not sprinkle common salt on oranges while eating if you have high blood pressure.
Oranges support a healthy heart and lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Oranges are a rich source of both fiber and potassium. Both of these substances support a healthy heart. Potassium’s beneficial role in the heart is mainly attributed to its blood pressure-lowering property. The fiber content can reduce the bad cholesterol in your body. According to one study, citrus peel contains a phytochemical called polyethoxylated Flavones( PMFs). PMFs can lower the cholesterol level in the blood more effectively than some prescription drugs. According to a review of some metanalysis conducted in 2017, it was found that the intake of fiber can reduce the risk of heart conditions significantly. It has a beneficial role in both developing and establishing heart disease. [3]

Controls blood sugar level

Orange is a healthy snack for people with diabetes. Fiber present in oranges keeps the blood sugars under control. A medium-sized orange can provide about 3.14 grams of fiber, about 10 % of our daily fiber requirement. [4]. Fiber plays a role in halting the progression and development of diabetes. It is worth mentioning that obesity is one of the main factors in type 2 diabetes. Fiber helps you to control your weight. The fiber in your diet keeps your gut fuller for a long time and decreases your urge to eat junk food throughout the day. Moreover, orange has a low glycemic index and contains sugars such as fructose. These sugars help prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high after eating.

A research study in 2019 found that an intake of about  4 g of a dietary fiber supplement every day improved the body’s response to insulin. This fiber property is helpful in type 2 diabetes, where insulin resistance is the leading cause. [5] 

Lowers the risk of certain cancers.
Oranges contain a compound called  D- limonene. This compound is said to protect from cancers such as cancers of the skin, lungs, and breast. Vitamin C and other potent antioxidants in oranges prevent any oxidative damage to DNA by free radicals and keep cancer away. One research study found that up to 15 percent of cancer incidents happen because of mutations in the DNA. The fiber contained in the fruit also makes it cancer-protective.

Q1. What happens if I eat orange everyday?

Eating an orange daily can be a nutritious and delicious addition to your diet. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, promoting a healthy immune system and skin. They also contain fiber, supporting digestive health, and various antioxidants that may contribute to overall well-being. The potassium in oranges helps regulate blood pressure, while the natural sugars provide a quick energy boost. The citrus flavonoids in oranges have been associated with potential cardiovascular benefits. However, while oranges are nutritious, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet with various fruits to ensure you get a spectrum of nutrients. Also, individual responses vary, and some people may be sensitive to the acidity in oranges. If you have any concerns or medical conditions, it’s advisable to consult a medical expert for personalized advice.

Q2. What is the best time to eat orange?

Depending on personal preference and lifestyle, there’s no specific “best” time to eat an orange. However, some people enjoy having oranges in the morning as a refreshing and energizing start to the day due to their natural sugars and vitamin C content. Others may prefer them as a snack throughout the day. Consuming fruits like oranges on an empty stomach or between meals is generally advisable to maximize nutrient absorption. Avoid eating them right before bedtime to prevent potential acid reflux or digestive discomfort. Ultimately, the best time to eat an orange is when it fits well into your overall diet and routine, ensuring you enjoy the nutritional benefits without any side effects on your digestion.


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