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Health Benefits of Mangoes: Reasons to Eat Them

Health benefits of mangoes are so many and referred as 'king of fruits'.
Mangoes have so many health benefits and referred as 'king of fruits'.

The sweet and delicious mango is rightly called “the king of fruits.”. Having a bite of this tropical wonder is pure bliss. The mere sight of this pulpy fruit stimulates your tastebuds and waters your mouth. Mangoes originally has been native to India and Southeast Asia. There are hundreds of different mangoes, each with its unique taste, size, shape, and color. There are many ways to relish this fruit; it may be sliced or taken as a shake. You may use dried mango pulp with a pinch of black salt. Also, Mangoes are ingredients in many jams, jellies, squash, marinades, and pickles. So sumptuous and tasty, there are many health benefits of mangoes.

They contain high amounts of minerals, vitamins, and many phytoactive nutrients. Mangoes are also rich in fiber and antioxidants. Having mangoes can help you to keep your heart, eyesight, and gut healthy. Regular mango intake is associated with a lower risk of certain cancers and degenerative diseases. [1] 

Here are some evidence-based health benefits of Mangoes :

Mangoes help with digestion and promote gut health.

There are many reasons to have them frequently or whenever in season. One health benefit of mangoes is their ability to improve digestion and promote gastric health. Mangoes have enzymes that help in the metabolism of proteins. It also contains high fiber content that aids in efficiently working the digestive tract. It is worth noting that green mangoes have more pectin fiber than ripe mangoes.

There was a pilot study conducted in 2018 in people with chronic constipation. Researchers administered them mangoes for a month. There was a significant relief from constipation in them, partly due to fiber content and partly due to phytochemicals in mangoes.  [2]

The phytochemicals present in mangoes play a  gastroprotective role. This effect is due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They may also prevent conditions like ulcerative colitis.  They can help in eliminating ailments such as acidity and indigestion.  [3]

It is an Immunity booster.

Mangoes contain many vitamins and other bioactive substances that boost your immunity, and they are a rich source of vitamins C and A. A medium-sized mango can give you about two-thirds of your daily requirement of vitamin C and a quarter of the required vitamin A dose.

Both these vitamins are potent antioxidants. Vitamin A can help you produce and work white blood cells. White blood cells are the primary cells that fight the germs that enter your body. Healthy white blood cells are vital for optimum functioning and the immune system. Vitamin A is also a potent antioxidant that protects you against the free radicals harming your body systems. Not getting enough of these vitamins correlates with a higher susceptibility to infections. [4][5]

Mangoes Support eye health.

The vitamin A and beta-carotene in the mangoes help promote eye health in several ways. They protect the lens and retina and increase the visual range. Vitamin A deficiency is one of the common causes of blindness worldwide. Vitamin A enhances your vision and is essential for the optimal working of the retina. Mangoes are also a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin, potent antioxidants that consistently improve eye health.[6] 

Zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin contained in mangoes prevent age-related macular degeneration. It is worth noting that macular degeneration is another leading cause of blindness.[7]

Mangoes lowers cholesterol levels in your body.

There are two kinds of cholesterols in your body. The high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are called good cholesterols. Simultaneously, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are bad cholesterols and are harmful to your body. LDL causes the formation of plaques inside the blood vessels, resulting in blockage of blood supply and heart attack.  Daily intake of mangoes can help you to regulate blood cholesterol levels. Mangoes also contain a high amount of fiber pectin that aids in lowering your body’s serum LDL levels.

In a research study, mangiferin was administered to lab animals. It is one of the primary substances found in mangoes. It resulted in the lowering of cholesterol levels in them. There was also an increase in beneficial HDL inside the body. [8]

Promote Healthy Sex

The health benefits of mangoes include their effect on sexual health. They can act as great aphrodisiacs. The fruit is a source of vitamin E that can boost sex drive. A research study in Australia demonstrated that a combination of vitamin E and beta-carotene could enhance male sperm health. [9] 

This combination can also protect against sperm damage. Another research report says vitamin E protects the sperm membrane from oxidative damage. Mangoes are also an excellent source of zinc, a vital mineral for fertility in both men and women.

Supports a healthy and glowing Skin

Mangoes contain the right amount of vitamins A and C.  Both these vitamins can help provide you with healthy and glowing skin. Vitamin C assists in the production of collagen, which gives elasticity to the skin. It is also a potent antioxidant and protects the skin from environmental harm. Vitamin C deficiency in your diet can adversely affect wound healing and increase wrinkles and fine lines.  [10]

Similarly, vitamin A helps for proper cell growth and repair. Some research studies say this vitamin may protect against aging signs by reducing fine lines. It can also protect your skin from ultraviolet-induced skin aging. Mangoes taken in moderate amounts daily can help exfoliate and remove dead cells from the skin. [11]  The polyphenols present in mangoes can also prevent skin cancer. Vitamin A can also regulate oil production and acne in the skin.

Mangoes Aids Weight Loss
The outer side and skin of mangoes, which are generally thrown, contain many phytochemicals. These chemicals act as natural fat busters. They help prevent the formation of new fat cells. A study by the University of Queensland, Australia, notably demonstrated the helpful role of some varieties of mango peel for weight control.[12]

The dietary fiber in mangoes also significantly contributes to weight loss. It is due to the ability of fiber to induce satiety, reducing the appetite in general. After having a fiber-rich diet, you will feel full for a long time. The weight loss ability of fiber has been demonstrated in research at the University of Minnesota.[13]

Health benefits of mango includes its role in weight loss.
Mango health benefits include its role in weight loss.

Prevention of Anemia

In anemia, there is a decreased count of red blood cells or a lowered quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia may occur for various reasons, iron deficiency being the leading cause, and it is more common in children and adolescent girls.

Learn about iron deficiency anemia.

The health benefits of mangoes include the prevention of anemia. Mangoes are an excellent iron source, making them beneficial for people with anemia. Regular intake can help increase the red blood cell count in your body. The fruit also contains the right amount of vitamin C, which aids in iron absorption in the intestine. In Chinese medicine, a  tonic made from mango stem bark extract is used to treat anemia, bleeding gums, and many gastric disorders. [14]

Q1. What is the best time to eat mango?

The best time to eat a mango depends on personal preference and lifestyle. Some people savor mangoes in the morning to kickstart their day with a burst of natural sugars and vitamin C. Others enjoy them as a refreshing afternoon snack. Mangoes are versatile and can be incorporated into various dishes, from salads to smoothies. Eating them on an empty stomach or between meals can enhance nutrient absorption. However, consider the overall quantity consumed, as mangoes are relatively high in natural sugars. Avoid indulging right before bedtime to prevent potential digestive discomfort. Whether enjoyed alone or in recipes, the key is to include mangoes in a balanced diet, appreciating their delicious flavor and reaping their nutritional benefits.

Q2. Can we eat milk with mango?

You can eat milk with mango, a popular combination in many cultures. The duo creates a delightful mix of creamy and sweet flavors. You can enjoy mango with milk in various forms, such as mango smoothies, milkshakes, or simply by adding mango chunks to a bowl of milk. However, some people may be lactose intolerant or have allergies, so consider individual dietary considerations. Overall, the combination of milk and mango tastes delicious and provides a blend of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and proteins.


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