8 Health benefits of ginger

Health benefits of Ginger include relief in morning sickness.
You may add ginger to your food or your tea.

The part of the Ginger plant with which you all are familiar is, in fact, a rhizome, and it is not a root but a modification of the underground stem. It is consumed worldwide and is hot, spicy, and biting yet also sweet and warm.

In addition to having a specific aroma and taste, which has made it a favorite spice, it also has many medicinal properties. Ginger contains various potent antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and essential oils that nourish and refresh your body, mind, and soul. Ginger has been used as a fantastic superfood from times immemorial

Here are some evidence-based health benefits of Ginger:

Ginger Alleviates mild nausea
Nausea is a queasy feeling that you might vomit, and it is pretty irritating and may range from slight discomfort to complete agony. The causes of nausea include morning sickness, motion sickness, post-surgery effects, and chemotherapy.

Research studies demonstrate that ginger can relieve nausea associated with morning sickness in pregnant women, and it can also help alleviate nausea caused by chemotherapy in cancer patients. In one study, ginger extract intake reduced nausea in most children and adults undergoing chemotherapy, and scientific evidence also points out ginger can help lessen postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Although ginger helps relieve nausea of any kind, it is most effective in alleviating nausea of pregnancy and morning sickness. But before taking it in large amounts during pregnancy, you must talk to your doctor. [1]

Ginger soothes the digestive system and aids digestion
Ginger is said to contain many bioactive compounds that aid in digestion. Modern research has confirmed that it can help relieve stomach pain. Taking ginger in food or as a drink helps improve indigestion symptoms. It may speed up the emptying of the stomach by increasing peristaltic movements.[2]
Ginger is an antioxidant.
Ginger has a very high concentration of antioxidants (3.85 mmol/100 g), surpassed only by pomegranate. Many of the benefits of ginger are due to its antioxidant properties. Ginger can help lower age-related oxidative stress and protect you from alcohol-induced hepatotoxicity. Ginger may also play a role in delaying the signs of aging on the skin.[3]
Ginger reduces Inflammation and pain.
Inflammation is your body’s usual response to infection, but abnormal and prolonged Inflammation can sometimes be a problem. It is the cause of many painful joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis. Ginger, being an anti-inflammatory agent, may ease joint Inflammation in arthritis. Ginger contains a bioactive component called gingerol. Gingerols may inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines are the chemical messengers during Inflammation. It can improve joint mobility and reduce pain. cancer[4]

Scientific evidence indicates that applying ginger extract to a painful joint can also benefit.

Relieves Menstrual Pain and Cramps

Some women may experience pain and cramps during menses. It is called dysmenorrhea. Research studies have found that ginger can help women to deal with menstrual pain and cramps. It is as effective as the painkiller ibuprofen. You must take it at the beginning of the menstrual cycle for optimum effect. [5] 
ginger can relieve mild cramps
Ginger can help you relieve mild cramps
Shortening and Preventing the Common Cold.
Fresh ginger juice is one of the best choices to ward off an attack of a common cold. Ginger contains bioactive compounds such as gingerol and shogol. They can help you to fight off a cold episode. They have a property to lower fever, reduce pain, and suppress the cough. Ginger has a warming effect, which keeps you warm while also helping your body sweat and get rid of toxins. [6]
Ginger Promotes Cardiovascular Health
Some research evidence points out ginger may significantly help people with cardiovascular conditions. It is thought to have an antiplatelet activity that can prevent the formation of clots. Researchers noted that this benefit might be,  in part, due to the antioxidant properties of ginger.[7]
Sexual Benefits of Ginger
Ginger may help increase blood flow, enhancing arousal and sexual function in both men and women. In a study [8] of 247 participants, researchers studied the effect of disgust and ginger intake on sexual arousal in both men and women. The increased aversion induced by sexual body fluids tasks resulted in decreased sexual arousal in females, whereas ginger intake counteracted this inhibiting effect of disgust on sexual arousal. Ginger may improve sexual function through its sexual arousal-enhancing effect.

Q1. Does ginger boost testosterone?

While studies suggest that dietary ginger might positively influence testosterone levels by enhancing testosterone production, it’s crucial to note that the effects in humans have yet to be conclusively confirmed. The potential mechanisms involve increased luteinizing hormone (LH) production, elevated testicular cholesterol levels, reduced oxidative stress in the testes, enhanced activity of antioxidant enzymes, blood glucose normalization, heightened nitric oxide production, improved blood flow in Leydig cells, increased testicular weight, and enhanced recycling of testosterone receptors. However, further human studies are essential to validate these findings in the context of ginger supplementation and its impact on testosterone.[9] 

Q2. When not to take ginger?

Pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with heart conditions, and individuals with diabetes should seek medical advice before using ginger.

Before incorporating ginger into your routine, individuals with gallstones must consult their healthcare providers. You must inform your doctor if you took ginger before surgery or anesthesia.

Caution: If you have a bleeding disorder or are taking blood-thinning medications, including aspirin, it’s advisable to avoid ginger. 

  1. Pubmed
    Anti-emetic Effect of Ginger Powder Versus Placebo as an Add-On Therapy in Children and Young Adults Receiving High Emetogenic Chemotherapy
  2. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition.
    The Amazing and Mighty Ginger
  3. Pubmed
    A Systematic Screening of Total Antioxidants in Dietary Plants
  4. Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition
    Chapter 7 The Amazing and Mighty Ginger
  5. Pubmed
    Comparison of Effects of Ginger, Mefenamic Acid, and Ibuprofen on Pain in Women With Primary Dysmenorrhea
  6. Pubmed
    Fresh Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Has Anti-Viral Activity Against Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Human Respiratory Tract Cell Lines
  7. Current Cardiology Reviews
    Indian Spices for Healthy Heart – An Overview
  8. Pubmed
    Wen G, Zhang Y, Nyman TJ, Jern P, Santtila P. Effects of Ginger on Disgust, Sexual Arousal, and Sexual Engagement: A Placebo-Controlled Experiment [published online ahead of print, 2023 Feb 21]. J Sex Res. 2023;1-13. doi:10.1080/00224499.2023.2175191
  9. Pubmed
    Banihani, S. A. (2018). Ginger and Testosterone. Biomolecules8(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/biom8040119


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