Heat Cramps First Aid
First Aid Causes Persons at risk First aid Medical assistance Takeaway Heat cramps are common when you work or exercise
Electric burns differ slightly from those you would get from fire, steam, hot oil, and other things that cause burns. In this case, along with the burn, the person may also experience an electric shock. There can also be severe internal burns that may damage vital organs and be fatal for the person. A doctor can assess the degree of burns and suggest a line of treatment. It has been observed that burns happen to be severe at the points of contact, which usually are
An electric burn can cause temporary or permanent damage to
The time the body was in contact with the electricity and the intensity with which the electric burn occurred can determine the kind of burn. Health conditions and age are factors that may affect injury healing. A person with a heart ailment or a small child cannot withstand electric burns, which may prove fatal. Children can experience an electric mouthburn because they happen to bite into the chords or wires. There could also be a burn on the lip, which can appear as a red or black burnt mark to indicate an electric burn.
Major electric burns–
Severe burn injuries can leave behind scars, depending on the extent of burns that determine whether the skin will grow back normally. It may involve a lot of grafting and plastic surgeries, perhaps to normalize the skin caused by burning. The doctor may have to remove damaged tissues or muscles and sometimes amputate the limb.
Minor electric burns
They can be treated with first Aid, just like other minor burns. A mild burn needs a medical check-up, though, because from outside, it may seem like mild skin damage, but internal organs have been affected by the impact. The minor burns will heal and, in time, will fade away.
The person in contact with live electricity may have damaged internal tissues, which may not be visible outside. But electricity has impacted the major organs in the body that need immediate doctor’s attention, which can be far worse than burns.
The doctor assesses the degrees of the burns by categorizing them as
Electric burns are mostly associated with electric shocks. Take preventive measures and ensure that all wiring and appliances are well insulated. Also, handle electric equipment with care at all times to avoid mishaps.
First Aid Causes Persons at risk First aid Medical assistance Takeaway Heat cramps are common when you work or exercise
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