First Aid of Bruises

First aid of bruises is the only treatment required for a bruise ,most of the times.
The bruise is initially pinkish-red in color and tender when touched.

Bruises happen to be common injuries that occur in your busy schedules. A fall on the knee or elbow may cause a bruise, depending on the intensity of the impact. These bruises usually aren’t serious and may hurt for a while before they go away.

The bruises sometimes appear like contusions and are scientifically known as ecchymosis. They sometimes don’t occur on the trauma site but can appear in another region due to gravity. Bruises are signs of internal bleeding; seeking medical attention is necessary if it has happened in sensitive body areas.

Types of bruises

A bruise occurs due to an impact that breaks the blood vessels on the skin’s surface. A little blood leaks into the tissue, giving it a bluish tinge, which changes color as it heals. The bruise is initially pinkish-red in color and tender when touched and hurts, especially when you walk or run. Sometimes, bruises have external bleeding, and you need to stop it before treating the bruise.

  • The bruise just beneath the skin is known as a subcutaneous bruise
  • If the bruise is present in the underlying muscle, it is known as an intramuscular bruise
  • The bruise on the bone is known as a periosteal bruise

Depending on the kind of bruise, they may last a few days to months. The bone bruise is the most painful and may be severe.

Other Types without impact

  • Tiny blood accumulations beneath the skin, appearing like red dots, especially on the legs, represent an underlying health condition.
  • Bruises on the body also suggest heart issues.
  • Bruising around the belly button is internal bleeding happening in the abdomen.
  • Bruising behind the ear indicates there is a skull fracture.
  • Raised and firm bruises on the body can be because of autoimmune diseases.

Children are more prone to bruises because they have thinner skin; hence, bruises seem more obvious.

  • When learning to walk
  • When playing
  • Learning new things like riding bicycles
  • Climbing, jumping, running, and playing other games

They tend to fall often and often get bruised, mostly minor. The children may cry in pain but forget and return to play after some time.

Aged people bruise easily because their capillaries are frailer than those of young people. Minor bruises, which appear much larger, are also troublesome for the elderly to bear.


Bruises happen when you

  • Accidentally fall
  • Playing sports (injuries)
  • Car accidents
  • The impact of objects/ people
  • If you are using blood-thinning medication for patients who have clots in the legs or heart or patients who have arthritis, will be taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatorie drugs
  • Low vitamin C
  • Aging
  • Sun damage
  • Blood disorders such as hemophilia and other clotting issues
  • Intense exercise
  • Alcoholic
  • Some types of cancer
  • People with liver disease


  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • discoloration

First aid of Bruises

  • Check if there is a fracture along with the bruise and other external injuries that need attending.
  • You could apply the RICE technique by resting the bruised region. Apply Cold packs (ice) wrapped in a towel for 10-20 minutes at a time, several times a day for a couple of days, depending on the extent of bruising. The ice will make the blood flow slowly around the area hence reducing the leaking into the skin. If the ice is put immediately after getting a bruise, the size of a bruise can be significantly smaller and heal faster.
  • You may compress the bruised area with an elastic bandage, making sure it’s not bound too tight, which will reduce the swelling.
  • Keep the bruised area elevated and rested.
  • Avoid massaging the bruise as it may worsen the injury, perhaps breaking blood vessels and resulting in a bigger bruise.
  • If the outer skin has no cuts because of the bruising, you need not place a bandage.
  • Avoid removing the blood under the skin with a needle or sharp object. This draining process will do more harm than good.
  • If the pain is not bearable, then over-the-counter pain medication can relieve it.
Elastic bandage may be applied on bruised area.
Ensure that the elastic bandage is not so tight on the bruise.

When to seek a doctor’s help

  • If the swelling doesn’t subside in a couple of days.
  • The pain happens to be severe and doesn’t go away.
  • If you happen to notice bruises on
    1. Trunk
    2. Face
    3. Back
  • If a large area near the chest or abdomen is bruised, the doctor should examine it to rule out any issues.

Bruising for unknown reasons needs a doctor’s advice

  • If a person gets easily bruised and has abnormal bleeding, especially from the nose and gums.
  • Having a family history of bruising and bleeding easily
  • If the bruise doesn’t go away but becomes firm, large, and painful.
  • A large amount of blood is walled up to form a hematoma, and the body can’t clean it up. For this, the doctor will have to drain it off.
  • The existing bruise calcifies, and the area becomes tender and firm, known as Myositis Ossificans. The doctor can diagnose it through an X-ray and provide treatment.


Usually, bruises can be handled at home and disappear after some days. Most of them are harmless and easy to treat with first aid.

Q1. Is a bruise OK?

Bruises are usually no big deal—they’re just a sign that some blood vessels under your skin got slightly slammed up. If it’s just a tiny bruise, it should heal on its own. Most bruises heal on their own as your body reabsorbs the escaped blood. However, if the bruise is unusually large, painful, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it might be a good idea to check with a doctor for a closer look.


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